Compoundingyour bitcoin

Acre is where bitcoin earns more bitcoin.

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Acre Dispatch System
Bitcoin-first auto compounding

rewards engine diagram

Compounding your bitcoin

Designed for everyone, built by the best, no black boxes, sovereignty at the core.

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With the Acre dispatcher you have ultimate control over your assets, determine the vault parameters with proposals from Bitcoin layer 2 protocols, BitcoinFi, lending, bridging and more.

Security & Transparency

The future of the protocol will be managed by a DAO, where our community maintains the ecosystem, vaults and protocol through ACRE token voting. Early depositors and community members will have opportunities to join the DAO as it is launched.

Bitcoin-in, Bitcoin-out

No need to switch wallets with our bitcoin-native experience. Your bitcoin compounds and you redeem all rewards and your initial stake in BTC.

Open source by design

Our team has been building open-source, fully-decentralized products since 2018. All Acre transactions are viewable on-chain and our code is viewable by the public.

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The road to compounding bitcoin on bitcoin

Roadmap diagram


  • What happens to my bitcoin when I deposit?

    Bitcoin deposited in Acre is used for economic security across chains and protocols. First the BTC is bridged, then dispatched to a highly vetted vault system approved by the Acre Security Council and DAO. All BTC movements with Acre can be tracked in the smart contracts on EVM compatible networks. No black boxes.

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  • How is my bitcoin secured?

    Acre has selected a decentralized custodian (tBTC). The underlying BTC is held in a 51-of-100 multisig operated by decentralized nodes. Nodes reach a consensus before executing any kind of mint or redemption of the BTC, which makes it highly secure and decentralized.

    That 1:1 bitcoin on Ethereum is then deployed via the Acre dispatcher smart contract to projects and protocols in order to provide economic security. Each protocol vault built atop Acre is vetted and approved by the Acre DAO.

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  • Who has the keys to my bitcoin?

    Only you can retrieve your underlying BTC from Acre. Once stBTC minting is enabled, anyone who owns the stBTC token will be able to redeem the underlying BTC. There is no centralized custodian of your bitcoin within the Acre protocol.

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  • What does the ACRE token do?

    ACRE is the governance token of the Acre Protocol. Holders vote on the parameters of the Acre protocol including vault parameters, manage contract upgrades, DAO treasury, liquidity incentives and more.

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  • How do the fees work?

    Acre protocol charges a 0.1% fee on all deposits and .25% fee on all withdrawals. These cover relayer and transaction costs on Bitcoin and Ethereum. Upon launch of mainnet rewards, Acre will receive 10% of all rewards earned on the protocol to maintain the service.

    All fees accumulate to the Acre DAO treasury. Partner protocols and services that integrate Acre may receive a fee split agreed to by the Acre Foundation or Acre DAO.

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Compounding bitcoin with premier wallet partners.

Our list of wallet partners is expanding, with deep integration and seamless experience wherever you hold your bitcoin.

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About us

Acre team has been working in Bitcoin for nearly a decade. We have experience building and launching across the Bitcoin stack with ThesisThesis, FoldFold, tBTCtBTC, Threshold NetworkThreshold Network and now Acre.

We believe in stacking bitcoin on your bitcoin, while upholding the Bitcoin values of self-custody and financial freedom.

Security and Audits

Designed for everyone, built by the best, no black boxes, sovereignty at the core.

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Thesis Defense
Thesis Defense

Boost Program

August - September 2024

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Acre is live on mainnet!

Compound your bitcoin with Acre.

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